
I'm taking a minute to thank and express my gratitude to the Double Muscle Line Family all the way from Spain. Our pup Huncho has turned out to be an incredible addition to my yard. The attention and the time double muscle line bulls takes to show you how it works and that welcome he gives you does not match any price is a different level. I will recommend this great breeder and a true friend to anyone. Again thanks for your friendship and these great dogs.
- Martin García, Barcelona Bulls

-JR Hollins

He was a professional the entire time. He had no problem taking his dogs out for me to check out their temperaments. For him, it wasn't about the money, he made sure I was satisfied with my choice and the well being of the pup, then we got down to business. As busy as he is, he's only a phone call away. Any questions I had from A-Z, he was there and to this day still is. He gave me tips and tricks to save a good amount of money on food and equipment as well. I mean, it doesn't get any better than that. Through careful planning, selection and hard work he has honestly pushed this line to the max.
I'm so satisfied with my dog that I thank him every time I get a chance. I'm very proud to recommend him to anyone and also call him my friend! If your looking to get one of these amazing dogs your on the right website! He's a very humble guy for what he has accomplished so I'll just come out and say it, his kennel and honesty in this business, CRUSHES the competition. Thanks bro and God bless!
- John Barnes

"I met Double Muscle Line about a year and a half ago. I was looking for a foundation female to breed with my male. I went down to check out his dogs and was blown away. He has the best dogs I have ever seen. I also had a chance over that time to see the kind of pups they produce. These dogs throw bigger and better each time, producing the next generation of freaks. I put down a deposit as soon as he told me he was breeding coming up.
I just picked him up a couple of weeks ago and he is a neck breaker. He is wide, has thick bone and great top scull. he is also the color I am looking for to match my male. This pup has everything I wanted in a kennel foundation male. He has a killer pedigree from proven producers.
Double muscles line is a professional from his dogs to his website to his kennels. He always kept me updated on the breeding and the pup. He also follows up with you after you take the dog home. He understands that it is his name on these pups and stands behind them. I would recommend to anyone who is in the market for a true stunning dog to look at Double Muscle Line Bulls kennels."
-Jorge Gonzales

I gave DMLBS a call to speak about available puppies he had, and he invited us up to come take a look at his dogs in person. First off, his house, kennel and all his dogs were immaculate. We were impressed, and after seeing that, we knew that they took their business very serious. He is a great guy and EXTREMELY passionate about his bullies. He schooled us completely on the Bloodline, and also gave us the lineage of every dog in his lineup. After listening to him talk about his bullies, we knew we couldn't go wrong.
All of his dogs were incredible looking. The size does not translate in photos. These dogs are incredibly thick and muscular, and all had huge, great shaped heads. We spent a few minutes talking about each dog in his line up, and all of them were very friendly, and had great temperaments overall. The way his bullies could move also really surprised us, since we didn't expect them to be as fast and agile as they were. We basically spent the entire day in awe, and after leaving, spent the next few hours talking about what we had seen, and how impressed we were. We left a deposit that day, knowing that we we were getting an incredible pup.
We bought 2 lol
Anyone that is considering getting a bully, I urge you to visit Double muscle line bulls yard if you have the chance. It was a great experience. We couldn't be happier.
Thanks Jonathan!
Andrew & Stephanie

We just picked up our Female from Double Muscle Line Bulls. I first met The family earlier this year when I was searching for quality Foundation Female. My search on the web led me to countless sites. But after days of research, I kept coming back to DOUBLE MUSCLE LINE BULLS. He was very knowledgeable and professional from day one. They had me come to his kennels, I wanted a first pick female from his superstud the instant I saw him in person, this dog is tremendous, a must see in person. Pictures and video don't do this dog justice, by far the best looking bully that I have seen with my own eyes.
If you are looking for a Bully with quality bloodline and excellent temperament ,I STRONGLY!!! recommend Double Muscle Line Bulls and his kennel to you. I have a six year old daughter and a one year old son, I would never put them in harms way. I would feel comfortable with any one of DMLB's dogs around my children. I am very satisfied with my choice of kennel, my pick up and this whole experience...Thank you DMLBS Family.
Keep in mind just like anything else, you get what you pay for.
-Long Island exotics