Deworming your dogs 101

 Disclaimer*: I am not vet. Please discuss your dogs & puppies health with your licensed veterinarian.

I only use Pyrantel Pamoate for my puppies at 2 and 4 weeks old. Read Here to learn more about DEWORMING PUPS 101

After that. I use "Drontal also sold as Quad Dewormer over the counter" for our puppies starting at 6 weeks old and then again at 8, 10, 12 weeks old and with all our adults. There are two versions of Drontal for pups and for adults. Make sure you are using the correct version.

(if you are deworming pregnant females Safe-Guard & pyrantel pamoate is safe for pregnant and lactating females)

Drontal will always be cheaper if you can get it with a vets prescription. Here is the link to the over counter version if you can not get a prescription.

Here is also a great Article Written from a veterinary doctor of medicine on some of the different dewormers out there!

The dosage of drontal goes by MG & weight usually ill get the larger size and split it among dogs. 
if you cant give drontal because the dog is pregnant or other circumstances the DOSAGE & FREQUENCY for Safeguard is:

1x a Day for 3 days

Safe-Guard 10% Suspension Fluid

1ml per 5 LBS 

Deworm Adults: every 3-6 months and more frequently for breeding dogs, show dogs and dogs who frequently visit high traffic dog areas like dog parks, or live/play in rainy locations.

Puppies(6 weeks or older): Every 2 weeks from ages 6 to 12 weeks old. I start my pups on Pyrantel Pamoate dewormer at 2 weeks and again at 4 weeks old.

Breeding Dogs: 10 Days before whelping and at the same time at their puppies during lactation.

Safe-Guard must be given for at least 3 consecutive days in order to effectively treat worms, and 5-10 days for giardia depending on the severity.



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