Demodectic Mange

Demodectic Mange Treatments!
This is how I treat it


BRAVECTO- dosage is depending on Dogs weight. One pill treats up-to 3 months

Bravecto orally

IVERMECTIN ( apply directly on skin, avoid eyes) once a day up to 4 weeks

SCABISIN -Medicated Soap
Use once a week for up-to 4 weeks

*old method*
-1 tablespoon of Apple cider vinegar, 1 table spoon water and 1 cup of baby oil mixed in a cup and apply to dog 2x-3x a day
-When bathing the dog it is ideal to use a medicated shampoo but you can add apple cider vinegar to the bath for its antifungal properties
-2 teaspoons for small dogs, 1 tablespoon for medium size dogs and 2 tablespoons for large dogs of Apple cider vinegar given orally Daily
-you can ask your vet or purchase online bravecto
-you can ask your vet or purchase online an electro parasitic dip
-Below is the information to using ivermectin Orally👇Some breeds have a sensitivity to ivermectin and can’t have it like border collies. We use it fine on bully breeds but if you breed something different you may want to check if your breed is known to be sensitive to ivermectin.
Ivermectin 1% solution is given orally.
Dosage using Ivermectin 1% solution for treatment of demodectic mange:
3.6 to 7 pounds: 0.1 cc
8 to 14 pounds: 0.2 cc
15 to 22 pounds: 0.3 cc
23 to 29 pounds: 0.4 cc
30 to 36 pounds: 0.5 cc
37 to 44 pounds: 0.6 cc
45 to 51 pounds: 0.7 cc
52 to 58 pounds: 0.8 cc
59 to 66 pounds: 0.9 cc
67 to 73 pounds: 1.0 cc
74 to 80 pounds: 1.1 cc
81 to 88 pounds: 1.2 cc
89 to 95 pounds: 1.3 cc
96 to 102 pounds: 1.4 cc
103 to 110 pounds: 1.5 cc
111 to 117 pounds: 1.6 cc
118 to 124 pounds: 1.7 cc
125 to 132 pounds: 1.8 cc
133 to 139 pounds: 1.9 cc
140 to 146 pounds: 2.0 cc
Using Ivermectin 1% Injectable Solution to treat demodectic mange (demodex)
Ivermectin 1% injectable solution can be used undiluted to treat demodectic mange (demodex). The dosage is 50 to 100 times higher than the dosage used for heartworm prevention. In the case of demodex, this amount is given daily for weeks to months, so it’s very important to have an accurate diagnosis from your vet before beginning treatment. This treatment should not be used for dogs who have or may have the MDR1 mutation that causes sensitivity to ivermectin 
It best to not give it with meals.
Dogs with demodex should be bathed weekly with chlorhexidine or benzoyl peroxide shampoo. Dogs with localized or mild demodex may respond to this treatment alone, without the need for drugs. Dogs with generalized demodex will require drug therapy in addition to weekly bathing. Secondary bacterial infections, which your vet can check for with the same skin scraping used to look for mites, are common, especially if the demodex sores are itchy or oozing, and require antibiotic treatment as well. For mild disease, weekly topical (spot-on) moxidectin with imidacloprid (Advantage Multi) can be effective (significant improvement should be seen within a few weeks).
The dosage of ivermectin for treating demodex is quite high, so it's not something you want to give unless you're sure it's necessary. Demodex is common in puppies, who often outgrow it naturally without the need for treatment. Demodex is not common in adult dogs unless their immune systems are compromised for some reason, such as hypothyroidism, hyperadreocorticism (Cushing's disease), or treatment with immunosuppressive drugs such as prednisone. It's important to make sure your dog is getting good nutrition, including good-quality protein, and there are also supplements, such as fish oil, that can help to regulate the immune system. If the problem is small and not spreading, you might try just treating with diet, supplements, and weekly baths to start with to see if that works without having to give medication. 
Other treatments for demodex include Afoxolaner (NexGard—Merial), fluralaner (Bravecto—Merck) and sarolaner (Simparica—Zoetis) are isoxazolines, a new class of insecticides that have demonstrated higher efficacy and safety in the treatment of Demodex species than any other drugs.
Demodectic mange (demodex): Start with one-third the recommended amount (or less, if you suspect your dog might have the MDR1 mutation) for three days, then increase to two-thirds the recommended amount for three days. Stop the treatment immediately if signs of ivermectin toxicity are seen, including loss of balance, incoordination, lethargy, tremors, etc. If no adverse effects are seen, increase to the full recommended amount. Give this amount daily until one month after a skin scraping finds no live mites, which may take 3 to 6 months. A few dogs may require weekly therapy for life.
Calculations: Dosage is 300 to 600 mcg/kg of body weight. Each ml of ivermectin 1% solution contains 10,000 mcg of ivermectin; 0.1 cc = 1,000 mcg ivermectin.
Keep Ivermectin products protected from light, heat, and air. Ivermectin is sensitive to ultraviolet light and should be stored in the dark or by placing containers in an opaque bag. It can be stored at room temperature (no higher than  86 degrees F (30 degrees C)) or refrigerated.
Warning: Do not combine high doses of ivermectin used to treat mange with any product that uses spinosad, including Comfortis and Trifexis (also called Vethical AcuGuard and ComboGuard). Do not give high doses of ivermectin to dogs with the MDR1 mutation that makes them sensitive to ivermectin.